Monthly Archives: September 17, 2022

Zhuangzi – Autumn Floods

The last episode in our mini-series on Zhuangzi, we look at one of the most elequent passages in all of the Zhuangzi, even if it almost certainly was not written by Zhuangzi himself. Autumn Floods focuses on understanding how tiny we are in the universe. 

Best China Podcasts

There is not really any good, authoritative list of China podcasts out there. I have seen a few, but most of them seem hastily concocted by podcast companies that don’t know much about China. So, I decided to make that list. The list only includes podcasts in English about China (excluding Chinese-learning podcasts, which is […]

Zhuangzi – Butcher Ting

He cuts the ox without dulling his blade because he uses the Dao to do it. He does not hack, but rather finds the spaces in between to seek out the path of least resistance for his cleaver. And he is one of the most important parables to come out of Zhuangzi. This week, Rob […]