Posts Tagged: shanghai

Shi Zhecun – One Evening in the Rainy Season

This week, we take a look at on of the great writers from Shanghai’s 1930’s modernist moment. Shi Zhecun is one of the New Sensationalist (新感觉派), and his story, “One Evening in the Rainy Season” follows the story of a man who is following a woman one rainy Shanghai night. Is he a creeper? Is […]

100 Years of Chinese Literature: 1930-1939

Who owned the 1930’s: the author who gave us talking Martian cats, or the one who gave us a sentient decapitated head? Yes, it was a weird decade, was the 1930’s. Join us to learn more!

Zhang Ailing’s Sealed Off – Sealed Off from What???

We go back to Zhang Ailing, the author Lee claims to be the best Chinese writer of the 20th Century. Rob and Lee discuss her most anthologized work in English, Sealed Off. It is a psychological story occurring inside the heads of a handful of people stuck on a tram in Shanghai under the control of the […]